Items of Note: September 2022

2022-11-29T15:39:04-05:00November 29, 2022|Items of Note, Latest News|

What is the most challenging issue that you are addressing currently? You could probably answer this question very quickly. Leaders of religious communities are always dealing with various challenging issues. These difficulties often leave little time for deeper discussion and discernment. Such practices, along with prayer, are important to incorporate

Br. Kevin Griffith, CFC’s Presidential Address from the 2022 National Assembly

2022-08-30T13:27:31-04:00August 10, 2022|Latest News|

 Br. Kevin Griffith, CFC's Presidential Address from the 2022 National Assembly   "It is clear in the title [One in the Mission of Christ: Co-Responsibility in Religious Leadership] that we, all of us who profess Religious Vows…are called to work together, as one, collaboratively and in concert with one another…to

Missionaries of the Precious Blood Assembly Keynote Address

2022-06-15T13:10:57-04:00June 15, 2022|Latest News|

On Monday, June 13, 2022 CMSM Executive Director, Fr. Frank Donio, SAC, gave the opening keynote address at the Missionaries of the Precious Blood Provincial Assembly. This Provincial Assembly marks the newly created United States Province of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. Fr. Frank's address was titled, "Holy Works

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