Items of Note: February 2022

2022-02-17T16:24:10-05:00February 17, 2022|Items of Note, Latest News|

From the Executive Director Good formation of leaders of religious communities is not focused on simply building skills or knowing the latest and greatest management techniques. Fruitful leadership formation is focused on relationships – with Christ and with others. That may seem obvious, but often we do not step back

Items of Note: January 2022

2022-01-13T12:03:54-05:00January 13, 2022|Items of Note, Latest News|

From the Executive Director During his annual address to the Roman Curia last month, Pope Francis emphasized the need for those in authority to serve humbly and co-responsibly. When discussing the themes of the 2023 Synod, he noted: “In the diversity of our roles and ministries, responsibilities will differ, yet

Items of Note: December 2021

2022-01-13T12:00:28-05:00December 17, 2021|Items of Note, Latest News|

From the Executive Director We are approaching Gaudete Sunday. What do you have to rejoice about this year? Many moments of rejoicing in community have been curtailed over the last year and a half. Recently, more and more religious men are gathering for communal times of rejoicing, of grieving, and

Laudato Si’ Action Platform Launch

2021-12-14T20:20:50-05:00November 12, 2021|Justice and Peace, Latest News|

Today the Catholic Church commemorates the World Day of the Poor, a fitting date to launch the Laudato Si’ Action Action Platform (LSAP) that serves as a global response to the “Cry of the Earth” and the “Cry of the Poor”. CMSM is proud to partner with our member institutes--and

Items of Note: November 2021

2021-11-12T17:52:55-05:00November 12, 2021|Items of Note, Latest News|

From the Executive Director Leadership in a religious community does not simply happen. It requires a good combination of individual and collaborative work and prayer. Often, though, the reality of leaders tends toward a greater focus on work rather than prayer. Are there ways for us to change this dynamic?

JP Alert: October 21, 2021

2021-12-14T20:23:37-05:00October 26, 2021|Justice and Peace, Latest News|

Click here for the JP Alert from October 21, 2021, with the latest updates from justice, peace, and integrity of creation. This issue includes opportunities for advocacy on climate change, information on the small group program "Civilize It!," upcoming CMSM programs, and more!

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