From the Executive Director 
Hope Lives! Christ is Risen, Alleluia, Alleluia! In the midst of the Octave of Easter, we at CMSM wish you, Blessed Easter! If you find this greeting effusive, it is meant to be. We place our hope not in ourselves, but in the Risen One. Leaders of religious communities sometimes feel the weight of the task. When we place hope in ourselves and other things and not fully on Christ, then it might be challenging to see beyond current issues.
The Easter season offers us an opportunity to focus our attention on the great gift of hope in our lives, Jesus Christ. As religious men, we are meant to witness eschatological hope. It is worth our time to examine where we are in our life in Christ and how we and our brothers in community are living hope.
Sometimes when such hope is difficult to see and live, it is due to a lack of care of various aspects of our lives – spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual. Over the next few months, CMSM will be offering webinars about care in these areas, particularly spiritual and emotional. The first two will be in May. Please join us for these.
Hope Lives! And hope has a name, Jesus Christ. May we share this hope with our brothers and others we serve by deeply witnessing Christ through lives of care and compassion.
In prayerful solidarity,

Frank Donio, SAC
Executive Director

This is an excerpt from the April Items of Note. Items of Note is a monthly email for CMSM members and partners. If you are not receiving Items of Note once a month via email, please email