From the Executive Director
With so many tragic events in our nation and world, it can be difficult to live in hope. Yet, that is exactly what we are called to do, especially in these days following Pentecost. Our hope is based on the belief that everything is not on us alone. The Holy Spirit is with us, moving us to more. Sometimes, we do not want to move to more. We want to stay where we are, doing what we are doing because it is comfortable, or it may be all that we feel able to do. The “more” of the Holy Spirit is an ongoing mission on which we and our communities are sent. The Holy Spirit gave our communities a charism that is lived not for ourselves and our own self-preservation. It is for Christ and the Church, lived for the good of all humanity.
Studies have shown that younger members of religious communities usually come to religious life due to communal charism and spirituality, fraternal life, and common ministry. Young religious often offer new insights into charism and common life that can be both invigorating and challenging. We encourage you to invite young members in your community who made final incorporation 10 years or less for a gathering that will occur at the same time as our National Assembly, August 2-4, 2022, in Buffalo, New York.
This gathering, along with our Assembly, and the Pre and Post Assemblies will offer us time to reflect on how the Holy Spirit is moving us to deepen our co-responsibility for the mission of Christ and the Church.
In prayerful solidarity,
Frank Donio, SAC
Executive Director
This is an excerpt from the June Items of Note. Items of Note is a monthly email for CMSM members and partners. If you are not receiving Items of Note once a month via email, please email