As you review Items of Note this month, you will see the many upcoming programs designed by the CMSM team for you, our members. Over the last few years, we have changed and adapted the National Assembly, the Eldercare Summit, and the Safeguarding Ministry Conference to respond more effectively to your needs as a leader of a male religious community.

For those who do participate in CMSM programs, please share your experience with other leaders and invite them to take part. Please keep in mind that all CMSM programming, including meetings of our Regions, is open to both major superiors and councilors.

If you have ideas to enhance our program offerings, please let us know.

In prayerful solidarity,
Frank Donio, SAC

Executive Director

This is an excerpt from the June Items of Note. Items of Note is a monthly email for CMSM members and partners. If you are not receiving Items of Note once a month via email, please email [email protected].