From the Executive Director
Crises can cause unity. When a tragedy occurs, it is often a time when there is greater unity in a religious community. We see flashes of it at the moment, as many unite with brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Crises pass, though, “life moves on,” and unity sometimes slips away. Lent offers us a time to reflect on our union with Christ and with one another, not only those within our religious communities, but with all. How are we in solidarity with our brothers and sisters and the whole of God’s creation? All too often it is fleeting.
What can we do? Our Jesuit brother, Pope Francis, offers these possibilities in his Lenten Message for this year:
“Lent is a favorable time to seek out – and not to avoid – those in need; to reach out – and not to ignore – those who need a sympathetic ear and a good word; to visit – and not to abandon – those who are lonely. Let us put into practice our call to do good to all, and take time to love the poor and needy, those abandoned and rejected, those discriminated against and marginalized.”
All these are possible for us to do. They build up our unity with God and one another. As leaders, may we not only do these things ourselves, but invite our community members to grow in unity with each other and all.
In prayerful solidarity,
Frank Donio, SAC
Executive Director
This is an excerpt from the March Items of Note. Items of Note is a monthly email for CMSM members and partners. If you are not receiving Items of Note once a month via email, please email