From the Executive Director

During this part of the Easter season, we find the community of disciples in the Upper Room and elsewhere experiencing appearances of the Risen Christ. They are coming closer to being sent on mission. Before that happens, though, they deepen their encounter with Jesus in a new way. They support one another and then go forth to preach and heal. 

How do we support one another, not only spiritually, but also in ways that attend to the fullness of who we are? Leaders of religious communities are often able to see the needs of members, but sometimes neglect themselves in this area. We invite you to attend to your own personal wellness and are offering a series of webinars for leaders and others on this topic. There is more information below about them.

Sometimes a lack of wellness on the part of a leader can lead to diminishment of just treatment of others, including in the Church workplace. CMSM has a long history of commitment to justice, peace, and integrity of creation. Our work for justice will appear to others as inauthentic if we do not advocate for and provide just treatment for those who work for the Church. The National Association of Church Personnel Administrators offers a resource to help reflect and act in a more just way. It is called Just Treatment for Those Who Work for the Church, 2nd Edition

With or without the use of this resource, we encourage you to reflect on wellness and just treatment within your community and among those who work with you so that we can accomplish more fruitfully the mission that the Risen Christ has given to us.

In prayerful solidarity,

Frank Donio, SAC
Executive Director

This is an excerpt from the May Items of Note. Items of Note is a monthly email for CMSM members and partners. If you are not receiving Items of Note once a month via email, please email