Virtual National Assembly 2020
In this time of deep pain for our Church and nation, we are called to exercise our prophetic leadership, leading to an authentic transformation within our own communities and throughout our nation. Through speakers and small group discussion, we will seek to explore the historical reality of racism, listen to our brothers who have been hurt by racism within community and beyond, and identify the leadership skills that will help us, as male religious, to guide our communities toward authentic change. For additional background, see CMSM statement on racial justice | June 1, 2020.
Keynote Speakers: Most Rev. Fernand Cheri III, OFM, and Rev. Thomas Ulshafer, PSS
Plus Bro. Tyrone Davis, CFC; Very Rev. Tim Kesicki, SJ; and Bro. Ernest Miller, FSC
Keynote Presentations
Let the Church Roll On
Most Rev. Fernand Cheri III, OFM
Slavery and the First Sulpicians in Maryland
Rev. Tom Ulshafer, PSS