Protecting Human Life
Our members advocate and work to protect life. This includes protecting the unborn and supporting programs and policies to help families care for their children, advocating for the vulnerable, and opposing capital punishment, assisted suicide and the abandonment of our elderly brothers and sisters.
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a serious problem globally. These resources will assist religious communities and parishes in raising awareness of the seriousness of the problem and finding effective responses.
International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking is Feb. 8
February 8, the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, is a day of awareness and prayer for those who have suffered the scourge of exploitation and human trafficking. Find out more about this day.
Resources to Fight Human Trafficking
The Catholic community has helped to respond to needs of victims and to educate the public. A number of programs help victims of human trafficking and raise awareness of this issue, including these:
- Anti-Trafficking Program (USCCB Migration and Refugee Services) Dignity of Work (PDF)
- The Amistad Movement: empowers immigrants, through workshops and training, to help protect members of their community from becoming victims of human trafficking
- The Shepherd Campaign: educates lay and religious leaders about human trafficking from a Catholic perspective, equipping them with needed knowledge and skills to combat forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation at the local level
Traveling? Take Action!
TraffickCam: free mobile app that allows you to help law enforcement find and rescue victims by taking and uploading photos of hotel rooms to a national database
Additional JPIC Topics
Missionaries of the Precious Blood
Fr. David Kelly, CPPS, with youth with whom he ministers in Chicago
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