Foundational Documents in Safeguarding Ministry
In August 2002, following the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People by the United States bishops, the members of CMSM made a commitment to apply the charter and norms to religious institutes. Praesidium Inc., a sexual abuse prevention organization, worked with CMSM to develop “Accreditation Standards for Catholic Men’s Religious Institutes.”
The standards have been updated by Praesidium every four years in consultation with CMSM.
- Praesidium, Inc’s Accreditation Standards for Catholic Religious Institutes (2024) (also available in Member Content)
- Safeguarding Timeline (with links to CMSM statements)
- CMSM education (webinars, annual workshop, and more)
Charter/Norms and Annual Reports (USCCB)
- Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and Essential Norms | Spanish
- Additional USCCB documents
- Annual Reports (religious and diocesan safeguarding data)
Vatican Documents
- Vatican website with links to these and additional safeguarding documents in multiple languages
- Vos estis lux mundi (2019 motu proprio, updated in 2023)
- Vademecum on certain points of procedure in treating cases of sexual abuse of minors by clerics (2020, updated 2022)
- Instruction on the Confidentiality of Legal Proceedings (2019)
- Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela (2002 motu proprio)
- Tutela Minorum (Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors)
- Book VI of the Code of Canon Law (updated penal code concerning abuse)
Additional Child Protection Resources
- Institute of Anthropology of the Pontifical Gregorian University
- Union of Superiors General
- Virtus (online education)
- Child Abuse Prevention Month Resources: Federal